


There are 17 elements that are known to be essential for plant growth and development. Fertilizers (also called plant food elements) materials produced to supply these elements in a readily available form for plant use.

去除这些元素, 加上浸出, volatilization and erosion causes the soil fertility to be continually reduced. 草坪和景观植物的颜色会很差(黄绿色到黄色), poor plant density allowing weed invasion and low plant vigor which increases plants susceptibilities to disease and insect damage.

管理得当可以保持土壤生产力, 定期施用多元素肥料.


17个基本要素中的3个, 碳, 氢和氧, 主要是从空气和水中获取的吗. 氧和氢是植物从水中获得的. 树叶从空气中吸收了碳和氢. The other 14 elements utilized by the plant must come from the soil or from added fertilizer materials.

去除这些元素, 加上浸出, volatilization and erosion causes the soil fertility to be continually reduced. 草坪和景观植物的颜色会很差(黄绿色到黄色), poor plant density allowing weed invasion and low plant vigor which increases plants susceptibilities to disease and insect damage.

管理得当可以保持土壤生产力, 定期施用多元素肥料.



A fertilizer 16-6-8 analysis adds up to 30% plant food or 30 pounds per hundred pounds of material. 另外的70%是什么? It is not a filler; it is the way the plant food is chemically compounded so plants can utilize it.

植物不能利用氮元素, 它们只吸收NO3或NH4形式的氮. This means that for each part of 氮 you have three parts of oxygen with (NO3) or four parts of hydrogen with (NH4). When 氮 is in a compound which is available to plants, 氮 is only part of the compound. 磷和其他元素也是如此. Phosphorus is absorbed by plants as H2PO4–, HPO4 = or PO4 = depending upon soil pH.

If fertilizers were in the elemental form, they would be difficult to handle:

  • 电影《伟德BETVlCTOR体育》英文名  (N) -一种无色的惰性气体,可以飘到空气中.
  • 电影《伟德BETVlCTOR体育》英文名  (P) -暴露在空气中会自燃. 它浓缩后对植物实际上是有毒的.
  • 电影《伟德BETVlCTOR体育》英文名  (K) -与水接触会着火, 爆炸并分解成强腐蚀性溶液.





A. 植物主要食物元素:氮、磷、钾(钾肥)

Plants rapidly utilize these elements and unfertilized soils normally cannot provide them in quantities needed for best plant growth.

  1. Promotes rapid vegetative growth (leaf and stems) hastening recovery after mowing and imparting vigor to the turf.
  2. 在叶绿素的形成和功能中至关重要的元素, 赋予深绿色的关键成分.
  3. 合成氨基酸,进而形成蛋白质.
  4. 调节其他营养物质的吸收.
  5. 重要化合物的基本成分——核酸和酶.
  1. Stimulates early root formation and growth–gets plants off to a good start and forms a root filter system in the soil to efficiently pick up the other available plant nutrients and water. 提高植物的力量和耐力.
  2. 加速成熟(淀粉转化为糖).
  3. 刺激开花和种子发育.
  4. Causes energy transformation and conversion processes in which sugars are converted to hormones, 蛋白质和能量生长新的叶子和果实.
  5. 形成核酸(DNA和RNA).
  6. 对光合作用至关重要(植物绿化).
  7. 对细胞分裂至关重要.
  1. 有助于茎和叶的发育.
  2. 增加抗病性和耐磨性.
  3. 加强细胞壁,使草直立,减少倒伏.
  4. Affects water intake by plant cells–plants with inadequate 钾 may wilt in the presence of ample moisture.
  5. 作为铁吸收的催化剂.
  6. 对蛋白质的形成和转运至关重要, 淀粉, 糖和油-改善水果的大小和品质, 谷物和块茎.



B. 次生植物食物元素:钙、镁和硫

这些元素的使用量比主要元素要少一些, 但它们对植物生长和质量同样重要.

  1. Calcium is an essential part of cell wall structure and must be present for the formation of new cells.
  2. Deficiency of calcium causes weakened stems and premature shedding of blossoms and buds.
  1. 对光合作用(植物绿化)至关重要.
  2. 植物生长过程中许多酶的激活剂.
  1. A constituent of three amino acids and is therefore essential in the formation of protein.
  2. 帮助植物保持绿色.
  3. 改善碱性土壤.
  4. Helps compacted soils–making them loose and allowing better water penetration.
  5. Note –There are commonly two types of sulfur applied to plants and soils: Sulfate Sulfur ≠ (SO4); 单质硫(S)

硫酸盐硫(SO4)是植物食物所采用的形式. Many plants require as much sulfur as phosphate in their growth processes.

硫(SO4) is contained in gypsum (CaSO4) and other sulfate fertilizers–Ammonium Sulfate, 磷酸铵和许多草皮肥料. Gypsum (CaSO4) will help reclaim alkali soils and make them loose and friable. Alkali soils contain sodium which causes soil to disperse, puddle and seal up. The free calcium from gypsum will replace the sodium on the clay particle and allow the sodium to be leached out of the soil. It also causes the small soil particles to flocculate (join together in small crumbs), 在它们之间留出空间让空气和水流动.


单质硫(S)在土壤中会转化为硫酸盐硫. This reaction can be slow, depending upon the sulfur particle size and the soil conditions. Once it has converted to sulfate sulfur (SO4), it is available to the plant. 如果土壤含钙, it can form gypsum in the soil and be used for reclamation of alkaline soils. 电影《伟德BETVlCTOR体育》英文名 sulfur will lower the pH of the soil at the location of the pellet as it converts to sulfate. (参见草皮和硫磺文章).


C. 微量元素:铁、锌和锰

尽管植物只需要非常少量的微量元素, they are just as essential for plant growth as large amounts of primary and secondary nutrients. They must be maintained in balance in order for all nutrients and water to be used efficiently. On turf grass there are three micronutrients that are particularly important in order to maintain green color and plant vigor.


草变黄(铁萎黄症)通常是由于缺铁. Iron is required for the formation of chlorophyll in the plant cell (causes turf to maintain a healthy green color). 它是生物过程的催化剂,如呼吸作用, 氮与光合作用的共生固定. 补铁可以纠正缺铁, 但在高pH值土壤中可能是暂时的, 由于与钙结合. This may require acidification of the soil with elemental sulfur or the use of ammonium forms of 氮 or some other acidification agents. 由于铵在土壤中转化为硝酸盐,它具有酸化作用. This acidifying effect makes iron and many other elements more available in high pH soils.


锌是几种植物酶的重要组成部分. It is a part of auxins and controls the synthesis of indoleacetic acid which regulates growth compounds. 锌还影响植物对水分的吸收和有效利用.


锰是植物中酶的活化剂. Without 锰, the plants cannot use the iron which they have absorbed. It assists the iron in chlorophyll formation which causes yellowish turf to green up.

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